General Information
Suggestive signs at work of an abusive home relationship
- bruises or injuries without explanation or no feasible explanation
- excessive tardiness
- unexplained absences/use of sick time
- changes in appearance – unkempt, disheveled
- seems fearful, anxious or depressed
- intense startle reaction
- eating or sleeping problems
- increased use of alcohol/drugs
- frequent phone calls from partner
- disruptive personal visits from partner
- chronic, vague medical complaints
- chronic headaches, abdominal or pelvic pain
- preoccupation/lack or concentration
- difficulty making decisions
How to approach co-worker
- approach in a private and confidential manner
- explain what you have noticed and that you are concerned – “I've noticed x,y,z and am concerned about you. Is there something going on you'd like to talk about?”
- if s/he denies, don’t push the issue
- let her/him know that you are available to talk anytime
How to be supportive
- see “How to Respond” if s/he says yes
- be patient, be a good listener
- help co-worker focus on strengths
- encourage her/him to seek help from
- HELP Center
- Social Work Department
- community hotlines
- HELP Center
- help her/him speak with supervisors and security about situation
- help her/him make a safety plan
- help her/him store an emergency bag from a safety checklist
- assist in whatever way s/he finds most helpful – screening calls, accompanying her/him out to lunch, etc.
- limit information given out about co-worker over phone, such as where s/he is and time of return
- maintain confidentiality
- respect your co-worker's decisions - on average, women leave abusive relationships 5 times before they finally leave; this is a complex issue, and you cannot know all of the factors involved - be non-judgmental
- the majority of women who leave an abusive relationship do not go on to have another abusive relationship
[Adapted from excellent “Employee Domestic Violence Policy and Procedure” ]
Employees & Abuse
Employees who live in an abusive home atmosphere bring these troubles to work – by effects on their health, and by phone, email or physical harassment at the workplace. This can lead to:
- Decreased productivity, attendance and job retention
- Increased physical disability
- Increased risk to co-workers
What Can You Do at Work?
If you are in an abusive relationship, or are being stalked:
- Make copies of emails
- Record voice messages
- Transfer harassing phone calls to security
- Keep a list of harassing events
- Ask security for escort to and from parking lot
- Find out about restraining orders at California Court Sefl Help Center
- Have restraining order include workplace; bring a copy of restraining order to medical center security, along with a picture of the abuser